DPS McKinney Vento Program

The Dayton Public School McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth (HCY) Programs ensure that all homeless children and youth have equal access to a free and appropriate public education, including public preschool education.

The McKinney-Vento Assistance Act, reauthorized along with the enactment of the No Child Left Behind Act in January 2002, requires each Local Education Agency (LEA) to identify a liaison to represent the district in meeting certain requirements of the act. The law indicates that the LEA liaison shall ensure that all homeless children, youth, and families are identified through coordinated activities with other entities.

When a student is identified as being McKinney-Vento eligible, staff will:

  • Assist with enrollment, monitor school attendance, and arrange transportation (PreK-8 students)
  • Provide school supplies and other school-related materials as needed
  • Advocate for and support students and families through school and home visits
  • Provide food referrals, winter coats, and holiday items
  • Provide housing and shelter referrals
  • Provide transportation assistance
  • Provide medical, vision, dental referrals
  • Set clear expectations for student behavior, attendance, and academic performance
  • Assist students/families access to community services and agencies
  • Assist students/families with access to tutoring, homework assistance, credit recovery, IEP, special education, and English language learning resources
  • Assist with post-high school/alternative pathways
  • Assist students so they can participate in sports, field trips, and school activities regardless of their ability to pay or to provide their own transportation.
  • Support with student disciplinary action

For additional information, contact JoAnn Richardson at 937-542-3295 or Christine Pruitt at 937-542-3304.

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